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Oriens Global Marketing is an Indian MNC with a Global Vision

Oriens is an inspiring, research – based nutraceutical company, with a perfect blend of product range and skill set, fostering health and wealth in today's rapidly evolving society. Research has been our strong hallmark, where our success has manifested through our Research & Development, with over five years of intense research work, with duly earned patents, for more than dozens of nutritional supplements and creating an unique identity in the market. Exhibiting an unique assortment of health and wellness products and services, Oriens is an eye opener, for aspiring people who want to achieve their goals in Life through dedicated efforts. From nutritional supplements, personal care and home care products Oriens is a rare wholesome combination of redefining comfort and showering an affordable wellness to the society. Oriens exceptional services are reflected in improvising solutions, business management and development.

Our business process management involves management of the entire business process flow, among our Independent Business Associates (IBAs) through distribution channels, enterprise stockist management and customer services and Product Trainings. Oriens forte in distributing the products, through their network of channels has been a key driver to its success. Integrating people and resources has been the challenge, which we revel in, and is designed by the vision of our Directors, who have more than a decade of expertise in the field. Direct Selling plays a pivotal role in our operations, distributing products through, our IBAs, who are the heart beat of our organization.

Our Direct Selling marketing plan is the brain child of our Directors, who share the dias for more than a decade in the direct selling industry and have proved themselves to nurture the associates with a positive attitude in generating health and wealth. We duly reward the performance, with premium gifts and nail down their risk quotient, distribute and manage the ever-expanding health and wellness market. Oriens offers peerless support to our distributors and customers with a wide range of tools and services which includes printed product brochures, training programs converging on optimal use of technology, spreading our message of love and care on humanity. We lend a full autonomy, for IBA's which means to stand and think on their own and aid them to reach pinnacle of success. Oriens have been transforming the lifestyle of common people and let them live their dreams, with our pure and simple marketing plan, lending vision, to all who wishes to accomplish greater goals in life. We calibrate growth based on the smiles of our customers, painting an inspiring legacy.

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